Titan Mort Guide Hero Wars Alliance wallpaper

Titan Mort Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .

Main Attributes

Position: Back Line
Function: Support
Main Element: Darkness
How to get Soul Stones: Events, Summoning sphere

Tier List 2024

Titan Tier List: A+
Dungeon Tier List: A+

Mastering Mort: A Guide to Dominating with the Darkness Titan in Hero Wars


Mort, the formidable Darkness Titan, has emerged as a game-changer in Hero Wars Alliance battles. With his potent abilities, he introduces new dynamics to PvP wars, challenging players to strategize effectively. In this tutorial, we'll delve into Mort's skills, particularly focusing on his Shadow Rampage ability, and provide insights on how to wield his power to your advantage.

Understanding Mort's Shadow Rampage:

Mort's defining skill, Shadow Rampage, targets the enemy titan with the highest physical attack, imposing a curse that temporarily redirects a portion of their health and physical attack to all allied dark titans. Moreover, it extends this effect to the nearest ally of any other element aligned with Mort.

Analyzing Titan Physical Attack Statistics:

To optimize the usage of Mort's Shadow Rampage, it's crucial to comprehend the physical attack statistics of various titans in Hero Wars. Below is an updated table illustrating the total physical attack stats of prominent titans:

Physical attack statistics of titans in Hero Wars
Titan Total Physical Attack
Ignis 965,634
Keros 888,053
Sylva 855,584
Amon 811,672
Araji 758,963
Nova 739,190
Iyari 729,289
Mairi 689,745
Hyperion 669,973
Avalon 610,656
Eden 577,201
Moloch 518,807
Sigurd 438,401
Angus 326,445

From the table, it's evident that titans like Ignis, Keros, and Sylva possess substantial physical attack, making them prime targets for Mort's Shadow Rampage. Conversely, tanks and support titans like Moloch and Angus have lower physical attack stats, rendering them less vulnerable.

Formulating Strategies with Mort:

  1. Target Selection: Prioritize cursing titans with high physical attack, particularly those commonly found in opponent teams, such as Ignis and Keros.
  2. Ally Positioning: Capitalize on Mort's ability to extend the curse to the nearest ally of any element. Position Mort strategically to maximize the impact on enemy teams, especially targeting high-threat allies like Araji.
  3. Team Composition: Build your team around Mort's capabilities, integrating other dark titans to amplify the benefits of Shadow Rampage. Consider complementary heroes to enhance synergy and combat effectiveness.
  4. Timely Activation: Time Mort's Shadow Rampage for maximum impact, syncing it with crucial moments in battles to turn the tide in your favor. Coordinate with your team to unleash its full potential at opportune moments.

These strategies serve as a roadmap to unlock Mort's potential, empowering players to wield the Darkness Titan with precision and finesse. Prepare to embrace the shadows and reign supreme in Hero Wars!

Titan Mort in Dungeon

Mort proves to be exceptionally effective when utilized within dungeon scenarios, particularly when paired strategically with Titan Hyperion as a nearby ally. This pairing synergizes well, as boosting Hyperion's physical attack not only enhances healing capabilities but also amplifies damage output, particularly when engaging with adversaries situated at a distance.

Furthermore, Mort's abilities play a crucial role in minimizing damage inflicted by enemy titans, thereby bolstering the resilience of allied forces. Moreover, Mort's capacity to augment life gain for allies, coupled with the ability to channel life to the nearest ally of a different element, contributes significantly to the overall survivability and offensive potency of the team.

In summary, deploying Mort alongside Titan Hyperion in dungeon encounters presents a formidable combination, offering both defensive and offensive advantages that can turn the tide of battle in favor of the player.

Mort Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Reduces health and physical attack
  • Weakens enemy titan with the highest physical attack
  • Transfers health and physical attack from enemies to allies
  • Synergy with Keros

Negative Points

  • Curses only one enemy titan at once
  • You need to charge energy to use Shadow Rampage

Mort Stats Evolution Priority

Mort's Artifacts Enhancement Strategy

In Mort's arsenal of artifacts, it is strategically advantageous to prioritize the enhancement of certain artifacts to maximize his effectiveness on the battlefield. Begin by allocating resources towards enhancing the Balance Seal artifact, as this will not only increase Mort's overall health but also boost his physical attack ability, making him more resilient and formidable in combat situations.

After upgrading the Balance Seal, focus on upgrading the Weapon artifact. This specific enhancement not only benefits Mort individually by amplifying his physical attack capabilities, but also extends its benefits to the entire team, thereby amplifying the collective offensive power of your formation. By strengthening Mort's physical attack, you ensure that he becomes an even more potent force, capable of dealing substantial damage to adversaries and shifting the tide of battle in your favor.

Lastly, but certainly not least, prioritize the enhancement of the Crown of Darkness artifact. This artifact enhancement plays a pivotal role in bolstering Mort's defenses and increasing his offensive capabilities specifically against titans aligned with the fire, earth, and water elements. By boosting resistance and damage output against these elemental adversaries, Mort becomes a formidable opponent capable of withstanding attacks and delivering decisive blows to even the most resilient opponents.

In summary, by meticulously upgrading Mort's artifacts in the prescribed order - starting with the Balance Seal, followed by the Weapon artifact, and culminating with the Crown of Darkness - you ensure that he achieves peak performance on the battlefield, thus maximizing your chances of emerging victorious in battles and conquering the challenges that lie ahead.

Morti Artifacts Priority
Priority Artifacts
1st Balance Seal
2nd Nephtis's Vambraces
3rd Crown of Darkness

Skins Priority

When it comes to skins for Mort, prioritizing the acquisition and enhancement of skins can significantly impact his performance on the battlefield. As of now, Mort is only equipped with the default skin, which focuses on enhancing his physical attack attributes.

However, the strategic acquisition and utilization of additional skins can provide a myriad of benefits, ranging from enhancing Mort's defensive capabilities to amplifying his offensive prowess. By prioritizing skins that complement Mort's strengths and compensate for his weaknesses, you can tailor his abilities to suit various combat scenarios and optimize his contribution to your team.

As you progress in the game, be sure to keep an eye out for opportunities to acquire new skins for Mort through events, promotions, or other in-game activities. By diversifying Mort's skin collection and strategically selecting which skins to prioritize, you can unlock new dimensions of power and versatility, elevating Mort from a formidable warrior to an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

In summary, while Mort may currently possess only the default skin, the potential for enhancing his capabilities through additional skins is vast. By strategically prioritizing skins that align with your gameplay style and strategic objectives, you can unleash Mort's full potential and lead your team to victory in Hero Wars.

Mort Skin Priority
Priority Skins
1st Physical Attack
Titan Mort with Default skin, Hero Wars Alliance.
Titan Mort with Default skin, Hero Wars Alliance.

Titan Mort in Battles

Strong Against

  • Ignis, Keros, Sylva, Vulcan, Amon, Araji

Mort is strong against the Titans with high physical attack stats. Each time Mort uses his special ability, he will focus on the enemy titan with the highest physical attack stat, reducing their attack and health, and will channel this reduction to his allies.

Titan Mort Counters

  • Mairi, Nova, Hyperion, Iyari, Eden, Avalon

Mort is weak against titans with less physical attack stats, such as Eden and Hyperion. Mairi would be his main counter, reducing his physical attack by 40%. This way, he will channel less life and physical attack. Nova is also a good counter, especially if you play manual, as it stuns backline enemies, preventing Mort from using his Ultimate.

Titan Mort Best Teams

Team Combinations for Mort in Hero Wars
Team Combination
Mort, Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Sigurd
Mort, Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Angus
Mort, Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Moloch
Mort, Ignis, Hyperion, Araji, Moloch
Mort, Amon, Hyperion, Iyari, Sigurd
Mort, Hyperion, Iyari, Nova, Angus
Keros, Mort, Hyperion, Araji, Angus
Keros, Mort, Hyperion, Araji, Sigurd
Keros, Mort, Hyperion, Eden, Sigurd
Keros, Mort, Eden, Araji, Sigurd

Mort Guide Conclusion

Mort emerges as a formidable force in Hero Wars Alliance battles, introducing new layers of strategy and challenge. By understanding his skills, analyzing titan statistics, and formulating effective strategies, players can harness Mort's power to dominate PvP wars. Master Mort, and lead your alliance to victory in the ever-evolving battlefield of Hero Wars.

Video suggestion

Video: Mort Guide for Hero Wars Mobile.

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